People Who Say: “You Can’t Judge A Movie By Its Trailer!”


Here is another pet peeve of mine. People who criticize people who criticize a movie, based on the trailer. They’ll argue “You can’t judge a movie by it’s trailer!” Some people will even get all superior and on a high horse about “I’ll wait until the actual movie comes out before I judge it!” As of they’re being so much more intelligently open-minded or something. Please. Get over yourself.

OF COURSE you can judge a movie by its trailer. That is literally what trailers are for. This is not an opinion, that is their sole stated purpose. You can look it up!

Trailers consist of a series selected shots from the film being advertised. Since the purpose of the trailer is to attract an audience to the film, these excerpts are usually drawn from the most exciting, funny, or otherwise noteworthy parts of the film but in abbreviated form and usually without producing spoilers.

DUH. There you go. Their purpose is to attract an audience. Meaning that they hope that after watching the trailer, you will want to see the movie.

And notice how whenever someone praises a film trailer, no one says “You can’t judge a movie by its trailer!”

For some reason, that only seems to apply to anyone who doesn’t like a movie trailer. If a trailer gets you all hyped up to see a particular film, that’s fine. But if the same trailer has the opposite effect on you, suddenly you’re being unfair and judgmental. How does that make sense?!?

And, of course, that doesn’t mean that your judgment of a movie based on that trailer is always going to be correct. Hollywood has its tricks for making trailers look good. I’ve seen plenty of bad films that had awesome trailers, and plenty of good films that had crappy trailers. But that doesn’t change the fact that trailers are made for judging.

And while the “don’t judge a movie unless you’ve seen it” argument sounds logical, it’s simply not practical. Unless you have unlimited time and money you have to make decisions on how to spend your time and money. That includes choosing what movies you will see, before you see them. I personally don’t have the time or inclination to watch every single movie that sounds like it has an interesting premise. So the main thing that I judge what films to watch is…you guessed it, THE TRAILERS!

So next time someone says that you can’t judge a movie by the trailer, please slap them. Hard.


  1. I agree with most of your article except I don’t agree with your first paragraph. It’s funny: You judged others who make such statements as belittling, patronizing, and condescending, but the same can be said about you too. Instead of judging all the time, ask. Ask the next person who make those statements, “Why do you think it’s worth watching?” Just listen and think before stating why you disagree. Sometimes asking questions and listening to another person’s opinion that differs from your own will help you better understand others, and gain insight. Also, they are right; judging solely on a movie’s trailer isn’t fair. You can’t critique something you haven’t seen. However, if the trailer failed to lure you in to view more, then you’re right too; why waste your hard earned money on something that didn’t interest you? But how would you know if it’s actually good if you don’t watch it? Anyway, I think watching a trailer spoils the movie anyway. The filmmakers and actors have little to no control over the trailers. Plus, I think trailers hurt the movie more than just watching it. You can’t even say if you fairly liked the movie because you seen most of the noteworthy parts in the trailer. So, I avoid most trailers. I decide whether I want to see it based on a vague description about it (like Netflix’s short summaries), or how well it was rated on rotten tomatoes, etc. I wish most trailers were like Split, Moonlight, Get Out, Sleight, Avatar, Pirates of the Caribbean, Logan, etc. Trailers like the ones I listed give you an idea about the movie, but it show all the noteworthy parts. It just gives enough to attract you.


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