1. The end of an era…! So, a final farewell to the site that introduced us, sir.

    I too, as well you know, used to be a big Myspace user, and it played a big part in getting me where I am today. I started out on there almost four years ago trying to get into writing horror fiction for a living, making friends with everyone I could that was at least vaguely into horror – but with time I found myself posting more and more stuff on movies rather than fiction. With time this got me into writing for B Through Z and Brutal As Hell – and while, alas, I’m still not able to do it for a living, I’ve got a few professional contacts who regularly send me screeners for review, and I’m about to start work on my final dissertation for my master’s degree in Cult Film & TV. And I don’t think there’s any way I would be doing any of this without Myspace.

    Like yourself, I almost never log into Myspace now; it’s like an old ex-girlfriend you now can’t believe you ever found attractive. I’ve been tempted to delete my profile, but, again like yourself, I put so much into so many of my blogs – I like having them preserved for posterity. My only contact with the site now is when I get e-mails declaring that some band or other wants to be friends with me, which if I feel inclined I log in to reject.

    Still, I’m sure you still haven’t forgiven me for defecting to Twitter… 😉


  2. *sniff* a sad day 😦 I’m gonna miss you on Myspace! Because of you I got to know more about you and I thank you because of you I got to meet some really awesome people. It’s not going to be the same without you! Be well and I hope you’ll reconsider Twitter!


  3. Myspace has gotten super-lame lately. I also used to be on all the time, but now I’ll go weeks without logging-n, and I don’t feel like I’ve missed anything. The only reason I keep my profile is because it’s a good resource for trolling teenager girls.


  4. @ Ben & Celina: I’m still not interested in Twitter. Don’t see the point. But, again, I do wish I’d saved my blogs (like the old one were I compared the careers of Superman & Elvis Presley, I had fun with that one). It was a somewhat rash decision, I was @ work when I did it, during one of my short breaks. So once I did it there was no turning back, because by the time I got home that night, it was gone.

    I was originally going to just leave it up, for old time’s sake. But, like I said, the overwhelming majority of folks that I liked from Myspace had either joined Facebook, or they had some other site, like their own blog, which I could use to keep in touch with them, so I just didn’t need Myspace. Plus, I figured I should make it easier for folks to find me, if I’m just on Facebook and have this blog. If someone googles my name, my Myspace page would be one of the first hits, and that’s a waste since I never use it anymore. I’m hoping that, eventually, that link will disappear altogether.

    @ Jason: Good luck with that.


  5. You should have just left it up anyway, as a symbol of your past time online. Put up a note in your status saying that you’re not using it anymore and to find you on facebook, and then just never log in again.


    • That’s just because I’ve been busy. I’m not saying that I quit Myspace just because of Facebook. It’s just that when I do feel like talking to folks online, FB is a better option than Myspace. But, even without that, the whole concept of Myspace is boring to me now.


  6. I’ve managed to avoid all of this junk so far. No Myspace, Facebook, or Twitter. I still keep in touch with people the old fashioned way. In person.


  7. Well, for the lost diatribes extolling the virtues of good slasher films and full-figured women, damning to hell the Westboro baptists, and of course maintaining that a man named Barack Hussien Obama could never in a million years become president – I thank you, JR. =)


    • Damn, you’re really making me regret not saving some of those now. Like I remember the circumcision blog where, because of the comments, I ended up changing my mind from pro to con. Oh well, too late now.


  8. You’re not the only one. I don’t have time to look up the stats, but I know that Myspace is dropping, or at least remaining stagnant, while Facebook is continuously growing. I don’t know if Myspace can develop a strategy to regain it’s footing in the social network world. Some have suggested that Myspace needs to focus more on entertainment, particularly music, figuring out a way to become it’s own web portal for buying and selling music from new and established artists. But is that enough? How do you convince people who have left Myspace to come back? And, even more difficult, how do you attract the Facebook and Twitter users who have never been on Myspace? What reason would they have for switching over?

    It’s going to be tough. I would love to see a Myspace v. 2.0 arise, but the internet is fickle. Once a site or platform falls out of favor, it seems impossible to get it back. Remember when AOL was THE dominate site on the internet?


    • I agree, it will be interesting to see if Myspace can ever rebound, and if Facebook can maintain it’s growth, or will we all be on something else, some site that’s not even up yet, in a few years?


  9. I used to be a MySpace girl still a few months ago. I’ve had profiles on both for ages, but I never really liked Facebook before, to me it was merely an annoying collection of super time consuming useless application invites with little or no value to me, which forced me to spend half of my time there just clicking through them to ignore them. On MySpace, although it was always a disaster in terms of web design, things were simpler. To me the turn around came when Facebook added that one magic button: “Ignore all”.

    After that, my real life friends started pouring in. I wasn’t bugged by unknown popularity contestants to add me as a friend, but surrounded by my real friends. And that is why I basically stopped logging onto MySpace, as there was nothing left for me – most people there that I needed to interact with were on Facebook anyway.


  10. I used to use myspace quite a bit when I first moved away from home but I never use now that I’m on facebook. I got tired of trying to keep up with all the messages on various networking sites so deleted my myspace yesterday to make networking a bit easier. I hated doing it but all the friends I have there can contact me on facebook anyway so I dont see the point in having both.


    • Somewhere inbetween. I’d rate it up there with the Wynorski films (check my movie archives for reviews). I do wish I could find the DVD. But all I could find were download links on various torrent sites, but I don’t trust those.


  11. MySpace is total garbage.

    But instead of deleting my account, I replaced my picture with one telling people to find me on Facebook, and then turned off email notifications.

    The less net-savvy will stop using MySpace over the next two years, as the opinion-makers start to leave it.

    But most people won’t delete their accounts. We’ll just stop using them.


  12. I didn’t delete my MySpace account like I did my Friendster account, but then again, I don’t ever check it much now either. Like Friendster before it, MySpace is dying. Facebook is just the next evolution.


  13. I have a myspace and facebook! I go on them when im bored. i like editing photos and keeping digital photo albums with both sites. I like makin my page when im bored. Some people are different and dont like that sort of thing… wahever floats ur boat!


  14. I’m truely glad I never got on MySpace…besides…the name….MySpace….was it really your space?!?! Or OurSpace???? 😉


  15. […] and it got me thinking. I was on Myspace for around 5 years, from August 2005, until May 2010 when I DELETED MY MYSPACE ACCOUNT, Although I’d say I was barely on it for the last couple of years, having primarily switched to […]


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