
I keep seeing all these posts and memes talking about, “the government has confirmed the existence of aliens, and nobody even cares, lol!”

Okay, let’s be clear. No, the government has NOT confirmed the existence of aliens. The only thing the government confirmed, is that they have multiple reports of military personnel encountering objects in the sky that they cannot identify, and have been covertly investigating them for years. They call them UAP, for Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon, because they think that sounds more credible than UFOs, although the acronyms mean the same thing. This was all publicly released a couple of years ago. 

And then last month, congress held a hearing in which they interviewed some people who claimed to have witnessed these UFOs, I mean UAPs, and most importantly they interview David Grusch, a former Air Force pilot and US Intelligence official. 

Mr.  Grusch made several astounding claims, including that the US government has been colluding with the governments of other nations for decades in order to cover up the existence of extraterrestrial craft and actual beings. And I’ve seen many people take these claims as gospel, and get all excited. 

But I’m not there yet.

I feel like I’ve been waiting for something like this my whole life. I’ve been raised on science fiction, my earliest memory is being a little kid seeing the original Star Wars when my uncle took my cousin, brother, and me to see it at a Drive-In theater. I remember crying in the theater at the end of E.T. My favorite book series is The Hitchhiker’s Guide to The Galaxy. I’ve watched all the Star Trek shows and films. I was hooked on X-Files. And so on.

Seriously, I lived for this shit. 

And ever since I learned of the famous Roswell incident, I was obsessed with it, and what really happened. I read The Day After Roswell, I watched the Alien Autopsy special. It all seemed fascinating. But, as I’ve said before, as much as I may want something to be true, that doesn’t mean it is. And I’ve explained my reasons for why even if it’s likely that aliens exist, I’m skeptical that any have visited Earth.

But I’m willing to believe it if you show me some actual factual proof. Not more claims from so-called whistleblowers. Not more blurry photos or videos. PROOF.

I mean, come on, it’s 2023, with all the technological advances, why is this still the best we get? Where is the clear, in-color, live footage? Did these alleged aliens travel here just to play peekaboo and hide and seek? 

And as for David Grusch, he’s not the first person with impressive credentials to make claims about UFOs, I mean UAPs, and aliens. Men like Steven Greer and Bob Lazar, and many others have been making similar claims for decades.

“But Grusch testified UNDER OATH!” 

So? That still doesn’t mean he’s telling the truth. 

Get back to me when there’s a congressional hearing where they haul out an actual alien spaceship, and say here you go. Or an alien itself, dead or alive. Until then, I’m just going to assume this is all nonsense and carry on with my life. 


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