Written by Mark Millar
Drawn by Pepe Larraz
Published by Image Comics


Um, WOW!

This will be tough to review, as I generally try to avoid major spoilers, but it’s hard to say what I like about this without spoiling some things. Of course, the cover of this issue is not exactly subtle, and the solicitation for this issue literally uses the word bloodbath to describe the action, so…

Edison Crane takes Bobbie Griffin to the headquarters of The Chrononauts, Cobin Quinn and Danny Reilly, and tells them what Bobbie has told him about The Fraternity, and how they wiped out all of the superheroes back in 1986. Although he says that Bobbie’s evidence of what she’s saying is compelling, he wants to verify it for himself, he enlists the Chrononauts to take them back to 1985, just for a few minutes, so they can see for themselves. They do so and see Superman (obscured, of course) flying over New York (which was Metropolis back then, although they don’t explicitly call it that), and are convinced of Bobbie’s claims. They had back to the present where The Chrononauts vow to help Edison and Bobbie devise a plan to stop The Fraternity.

But The Fraternity is ready for them, and that’s all I’ll say about that.

Eggsy of The Kingsman meets up with Hit-Girl (now a grown woman, but still rather petite, although no less deadly), apparently, he has some information about The Fraternity’s plans, but it’s not clear yet.

And finally, the major confrontation is Nemesis vs The Ambassadors. He lures them into a trap and…well, again, look at the cover. That happens.

This book is nonstop action with glorious violence all beautifully illustrated by Pepe Larraz. Mark Millar is not holding back, it doesn’t look like even his most popular characters are safe. I’m really curious what the state of “Millarworld” is going to be when this miniseries concludes. Whatever it is, it’s going to be a fun ride getting there.


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