Written by Mark Millar
Drawn by Pepe Larraz
Published by Image Comics


I’ve been thoroughly enjoying this miniseries, but looking around the net I have seen some legitimate criticisms from other readers. The main complaint is that it’s just one big slaughter fest, that the heroes are being taken out too quickly and easily, and thus there’s no dramatic tension. And I can’t say that’s not a valid point. Nemesis ambushes and slices up The Ambassadors, Ethan Crane and the Chrononauts are gunned down in a hail of bullets, likewise Eggsy from the Kingsman gets his head blown off, Huck gets a small nuke(!) dropped on him while two of the Night Club are drowned in holy water. Most of the heroes don’t even see it coming, or if they do it’s at the last minute when it’s too late.

But to me, the way this is playing out makes narrative sense. This isn’t a typical mainstream company-wide superhero crossover, where the villains are out to match wits with the heroes. The Fraternity works completely from the shadows, and they know the surest way to win is to simply strike when their enemies are unaware.

Strike First. Strike Hard. No Mercy.


But I think those fans may be a bit more satisfied with this issue, as it takes some time out from the nonstop killing spree. I mean, not that there’s a lack of hero-killing in this issue, as characters from Starlight, Kick Ass, Night Club, and MPH are in the Fraternity’s crosshairs, and they don’t all make it out alive, but the first half of the story takes place 65 million years ago during the rule of Morax.

Morax is the evil emporer from Mark Millar’s series, Empress. That’s one of the Millarworld titles that I haven’t read beyond the first issue, but to Millar’s credit, he writes it so that it’s not necessary. We’re caught up pretty quickly on the setting and who the characters are, as is Hit-Girl, who traveled back in time from the present. She’s caught immediately and taken before Morax, who learns all about her concocts a plan to send an invading army to our time to conquer modern-day Earth.

I don’t want to say too much more, but that’s quite a twist I didn’t see coming. But now with this development, I’m extremely curious to see how Millar is going to wrap this up in the next issue, which is supposed to be the last one without it feeling rushed. I have a few guesses, but I could be wrong. But again I’m satisfied with this issue, both from the standpoint of the writing and Pepe Larraz’s artwork continues to impress me.


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