In November, I Will Blog A Lot: 30-Day Writing Challenge


Alright, here I am. For those of you who still occasionally pay attention to this blog, you know I have been lax, pathetically lax, in updating it on any kind of regular basis for MONTHS. Well, that is about to change, I am committing to getting back to my old blogging self. I promise, that starting tomorrow, for the month of November I will post at least one new blog a day for the entire month. I may even post more than one on some days. the plan is to have a new post published each morning. But if I miss a morning for whatever reason, I’ll make sure to write and publish one before the days ends.

I got the above list of writing prompts from my cousin Maya, and I think this is a pretty good template. So I will use it as a guide. I’m not saying I’m going to strictly follow this and just go down the line and write 30 posts based on each prompt, some of them I’m not that interested in writing about, plus there are plenty of other topics I’ve already been meaning to write about, but when I get stuck, I plan to refer to this list for ideas.

I posted this, so that you (yes YOU) can hold me to it. If by the end of the day on November 30th, there are not at least 30 posts on from November on this blog, then you can each slap me.

And, hey, if any of you, my fellow bloggers (and, yes, I also plan to get back to regularly reading and commenting on your blogs again), also feel that you’ve been slacking and want to take this challenge, using this list of prompts are not, go ahead and join in. Let’s write!



      • Thank you! I have been actually slacking a little bit, I got really sick and couldn’t find the motivation to do anything besides reblog a few. Are you still doing it? I am about to check yours out right now !


      • Well, I do my main blogging her on wordpress. Tumblr is mostly just another avenue for me to share my blog posts from here, I don’t do much original writing on it. But I follow a bunch of other Tumblrs on it.


      • Well first I want to say thank you for following me. It means a lot, and I have been trying to keep up to date with your blog, I actually have it favorites, lol. I’ve been trying to keep up with the challenge. I just got sick a few nights ago into yesterday. Which sucks. And since tumble has a 250 limit on posting, I already used that up so I have to wait until tomorrow to post today’s post… Lol. I reblogged a lot of stuff today. I use tumblr cause it seems like not very many people use WordPress.


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